Superbowl, the weather and the wisdom of Goodell

football-snowSo the NFL may actually change the date or time of the Super Bowl (link below) dependent on inclement weather? Really! This unbelievable announcement got me to musing about the seemingly boundless ability of humans to hope…  No, that’s not right. There seems an infinite capacity for humans to believe…  No, that’s still not it. What gives, with this absolute certainty people have that they are smarter than those that came before them?

So the current leadership in the NFL had a better idea than Pete Rozelle, originator of the game, father of the modern NFL and  inventor of Monday Night Football. New Jersey in February – what could be better?  Maybe playing in a temperate climate where the crowd can enjoy a warm winter day, and the TV audience isn’t left wondering if they’ll be able to see the game – maybe that would be better? Everyone involved in the ’67 Ice Bowl at Lambeau Field knows what a stupid idea this is, if they haven’t died due to hypothermia related causes by now.

This ranks up there in the annals of all time boneheaded moves, like starring Russell Brand as the title character in a remake of Dudley Moore’s classic film, Arthur. Come on – Russell Brand – are you kidding? Or what about casting Adam Sandler in Burt Reynolds’ role in a remake of The Longest Yard—who came up with that one? Why don’t they just ask Keanu Reeves to remake Citizen Kane, Casablanca or The Godfather? (No wait, don’t tell anyone I said that – they might.)

Does anyone out there remember the disastrous date of April 23, 1985? On that day which nearly changed the world as we know it, the bottlers of Coca-Cola gave us the nadir of all bad remakes – New Coke. We narrowly averted rioting in the streets. But not to be out done the marketing geniuses who gave us such classics as the Chia Pets, Chia Clown and The Simpsons own Chia Bart, rolled out a new TV ad campaign in 2009 – for Chia Obama. As my kids would say, OMG.

This is the reason I worry about progressive politicians of either party who have a better idea of how to do things. That’s how we got Prohibition, the Income Tax and Homeland Security.

And since I started with the subject of football, what can be said about the WWF’s Vince McMahon and NBC starting up the XFL in 2000. Who knew that if you allowed defenders to commit pass interference penalties, the scoring in games, and the viewership, would both drop dangerously low?  You couldn’t see that one coming.

And yet, I bet old Vince would have known better than to hold the most watched event in American television, outdoors in February in New Jersey. Mr. Goodell, any comment. Roger, anything at all.

http:/super change?

1 thought on “Superbowl, the weather and the wisdom of Goodell

  1. slamdunk

    I hope they don’t do it this way again, but weather-wise, they may luck out in terms of just getting a below freezing game. Nothing like if it had been scheduled for this past week.


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